Relaxing moments

What could be more relaxing than blooming flowers, a book & a cup of coffee?

Relax with your favorite book and a good cup of coffee. Sip your coffee nice and slow, and start reading the book.

Coffee time

Good coffee…rich, hot, perfectly made.

Good coffee is always best with great friends.

Key to happiness

Reward yourself with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a good book & a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Peace of mind

Peace in sitting alone and energizing yourself.

No matter what – Coffee always makes life better!


May flowers, a good book & coffee always line your path, and sunshine light your day.

Photo Gallery

Best coffee pictures!

Turkish coffee

Türk kahvesi, Turkish coffee, kahve sunumu, kahve, coffee

Coffee and books

Türk kahvesi, Turkish coffee, kahve sunumu, kahve, coffee, Turkish coffee

Coffee in nature

Türk kahvesi, Turkish coffee, kahve sunumu, kahve, coffee, Turkish coffee


Coffee and beyond…
Roasted coffee types

Medium vs. Dark Roast Coffee: Exploring the Differences

Medium vs. Dark Roast Coffee Coffee enthusiasts often find themselves faced with the delightful dilemma of choosing between medium and dark roasted coffee. While both offer unique flavors and characteristics, understanding the differences between them can enhance your coffee experience. Let’s delve into the world of medium and dark roasted coffee to uncover their distinct…

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